Trace and Trace update, Fast COVID tests (in Chelsea and Brighton and Hove) and Vitamin D


This will be for information purposes only I hope, but should you test positive for COVID and be contacted by Trace and Trace (T&T), then the government guidelines do not require you to list me as a contact if you have been to see me during the timeframe T&T are asking about.  As I am a regulated healthcare professional, working in a healthcare setting that is following a robust risk assessment and mitigation process, including the use of enhanced PPE, in line with government guidance for my setting, I am exempt for being considered a contact.  This might seem a little odd bearing in mind the lack of social distancing during your treatment, but the measures I have in place here mean it is possible.  If you were to list me then T&T will contact me, but because of data protection they won't be able to tell me if the contact has been with a patient at the clinic, or in another situation.  As such I won't know whether I need to close the practice and self-isolate.  However, if the unfortunate does happen and you do test positive for COVID within 5 days of a treatment then please do contact me to let me know, so that I am aware.

Fast COVID Tests

I am sourcing fast COVID (antigen) tests (results in 15 minutes) that can be done here at the clinic in Chelsea and Brighton and Hove.  I have yet to finalise a supplier and so don't know the costs yet, but it should be (if done during your treatment visit) in the region of £20/test.  The tests are supplied by Roche and have a sensitivity of 96.52% and specificity of 99.68%.  I am working on whether I am able to sufficiently certify the test results (for instance should you need a test before flying) to meet the demands of i.e. the airlines / other country's entry requirements. Watch this space for more information on that count.

I can also provide at home COVID antibody test kits that you post off to the lab.  Again, I need to finalise the price with the supplier but these tests will be in the region of £35/test including P&P.  If you are interested in any of these tests then please do contact me for more details.

Vitamin D

With the weather now so cold and wet I thought it a prime time to remind you that everyone should be taking a Vitamin D supplement through the winter months.  Current guidelines are the following :-

Anyone over the age of 1 should be taking 10mcg daily between October and March

This is to supplement your dietary intake from foods such as

  • oily fish – such as salmon, sardines, herring and mackerel
  • red meat
  • liver
  • egg yolks
  • some fortified foods (cereals / nondairy drinks)

but during the winter months the sun isn't strong enough (and we don't tend to expose enough skin) for your body to make useable Vitamin D in your skin.

N.B - Vitamin D3 (Cholecalciferol) is usually made from lamb's wool, so if you are after a Vegetarian or Vegan product then you could try something like these (which is plant based)